Introducing Support for Personalised Content

Published · 3 min read

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Well…it's been a while since we last posted here, but not to worry, we've simply been heads down working on bringing some cool new features to LexasCMS!

Ever since we began working on LexasCMS, our ultimate goal has been this:

To create a CMS which not only allows users to easily control when their applications content is published/updated, but also provides the ability to seamlessly personalise that content based on the consumers individual characteristics.

Today marks a huge step towards this goal, and we're excited to announce the release of built-in support for content personalisation. 🎉

What Does This Mean?

As of today, you'll not only be able to independently schedule content variations, but you'll also be able to target those variations at specific audiences in order to personalise their experience.

For usage information and instructions, please see our documentation.

What's an Audience?

Audiences allow you to segment your users based on any attributes that you define (e.g. age, location, gender, lifetime value etc.).

They can then be used to control which content each of your users should receive based on their demographic, previous behaviour or any other data that you choose.

As an example, an e-commerce website selling clothing could not only personalise their homepage promotions based on a customers previous purchase history, but they also personalise the messaging of those promotions based on the customers age, gender or anything else.

Is Personalisation Important?

Today's consumers are more and more frequently expecting their digital experiences to be personalised based on their individual needs and interests.

A study published by Accenture in 2018 found that 91% of consumers are more likely to shop with brands who not only recognise them, but also provide them with relevant offers and recommendations.

It was also discovered that almost 40% of consumers had actually left a website because they were overwhelmed by too many options.

In summary, it seems quite clear that content personalisation is no longer a "nice to have", and is in fact a necessity in today's digital era.

What's Next?

Next up we'll be turning our attention to an in-app preview feature that is deeply integrated with our personalisation and scheduling features.

In addition to being embedded directly into LexasCMS itself, we're aiming to take things a little bit further by also enabling you preview what your application would look like when being viewed by a specific audience at a specific point in time.

Think of it as a time machine for your application 😉

To keep up to date with our latest news and releases, follow us on Twitter.

Try It Out

Interested in trying out our new personalised content feature? Click here to create an account and get started.

If you have any questions, feedback or suggestions, please get in touch 🙂

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Michael Donaldson

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