Ember.js with Tomster

The only headless CMS with
native support for Ember.js

LexasCMS supports both JSON:API and Ember Data out of the box, making it the perfect headless CMS for managing content in your Ember.js applications.

Ember Data

Native support for Ember Data

LexasCMS offers a JSON:API compliant content delivery API which can be plugged directly into Ember Data.

  • Minimal configuration required
  • Retrieve content using Ember Data's standard data fetching methods
  • Optional addon available to make integration even easier
See our Ember.js integration guide
export default class BlogIndexRoute extends Route {

  @service lexascms;
  @service store;

  model() {
    // Set request context
      audienceAttributes: {
        role: 'developer',
        location: 'GB'
    // Fetch articles
    return this.store.findAll('article');


Built-in content personalisation

Thanks to LexasCMS' built-in support for personalised content, you can easily tailor the content that each user receives without the need for complicated logic within your application.

  • Create tailored experiences for your users without the burden of complex application logic
  • Provide content editors and marketing teams with the autonomy to control who should receive what content
Learn more about personalised content
export default class BlogIndexRoute extends Route {

  @service store;

  model() {
    return this.store.findAll('article');


Effortless content scheduling

Our content delivery API automatically determines which content should be returned and when. This allows you to stop worrying about fetching content and focus more on building your application.

  • Content delivery API automatically handles scheduled content, preventing additional application complexity
  • No code changes are required for fetching scheduled content
Learn more about content scheduling
export default class BlogIndexRoute extends Route {

  @service store;

  model() {
    return this.store.query('article', {
      localeCode: 'de-DE'


First class localisation

Easily retrieve localised content for your Ember.js application using Ember Data's built-in data fetching methods.

  • Create, manage and retrieve content in as many locales as you could possibly need
  • Define locale fallbacks for the times when content hasn't yet been translated
Learn more about localisation

See an example

This example blog website demonstrates how simple it is to integrate an Ember.js application with LexasCMS.

Start delivering
personalised experiences
with a 14 day free trial.

Integrates with your favourite tools and frameworks

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